Open positions

There is an open PhD position in our lab! Focus: Plant epigenomics, computational biology, bioinformatics

In addition, we are happy to support PhD students or Post-docs in attracting their own funding.

Funding possibilities

If you are interested in exploring such funding options, both at the national and international level, please contact for more information. The following are possible funding agencies:

Prospective Post-docs (Internationals):

TUM University Foundation Fellowship

Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions 

Humboldt Foundation 




Leopoldina Postdoc Stipendien (only for Austrians and Swiss)

Prospective Post-docs (Nationals residing in Germany or abroad):

Walter Benjamin Program of the DFG

Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung

Fritz Thyssen Foundation

Prospective PhD students (Nationals residing in Germany):

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

Böhringer Ingelheim

Cusanus Werk


Prospective PhD student (Internationals):


Böhringer Ingelheim

MSc and BSc thesis

We are offering exciting Msc/BSc thesis projects in the field of plant epigenomics. Many of these projects are thematically related to our ongoing research themes. These projects include:

If you are interested please contact: